Jul 16, 2017 | Blog, Christopher J Music
My next song in the series of singles that will make up my Christmas album this coming fall was just released: “Trailer Park Santa“. This post is to give you is the Trailer Park Santa video. So….”Merry Christmas!” It’s Christmas in July! Ho, ho, ho. The songwriting backstory is here.
Jun 6, 2017 | Blog, Christopher J Music
Tomorrow (Wednesday, June 7) my next song “Mary’s Gift” gets released via CD Baby in my series of singles that will make up my Christmas album this coming fall. Towards that end, here is the video that goes with Mary’s Gift. So….”Mary Christmas!” After all, Christmas in July is just around the corner.

May 11, 2017 | Blog, Christopher J Music
Here is the video that goes along with my new song All Things New that I released yesterday. It is also up on YouTube. Please like it and share it!
Thank you!
Aug 8, 2013 | Christopher J Music
Hey again everybody. Here is the video I put together of the uke and acoustic guitar version of my song, “Give Us Peace” (Dona Nobis Pacem). I released this on YouTube a few weeks ago, but I am making this post of it so it gets included in the feed going to iTunes podcasts.
Aug 7, 2013 | Christopher J Music
Hey folks, here is the video I put together of the uke and cello version of my song, “Give Us Peace” (Dona Nobis Pacem). I released this on YouTube a few weeks ago, but I am making this post of it so it gets included in the feed going to iTunes podcasts.