Aug 7, 2013 | Christopher J Music
Hey folks, here is the video I put together of the uke and cello version of my song, “Give Us Peace” (Dona Nobis Pacem). I released this on YouTube a few weeks ago, but I am making this post of it so it gets included in the feed going to iTunes podcasts.
Aug 6, 2013 | Blog, Christopher J Music
I just received an email from Apple. Special, huh? It appears my podcast feed I submitted to iTunes for approval was indeed approved. This feed will be for anything published under the category “Christopher J Music”, which is where I will put things every time I have some new music related topic to post about. Anyway, here is what the nice folks at Apple (Apple Computers, not Apple Records…) had to say:
Jul 28, 2013 | Christopher J Music
Here’s the other side of the coin in my Dona Nobis Pacem recording adventure. This is version is acoustic guitar (Martin DC16-GTE) along with the tenor uke (Big Island Uke Co., Hono koa tenor). Both instruments were recorded unplugged with an AKG Perception 200 microphone, into a Line 6 UX2 audio interface and Logic Pro 9. (Uh oh, Apple just released Logic X…..should I upgrade?)
Click on the link below to listen.
Dona Nobis Pacem, Ukulele and Guitar
You may also listen with this audio player button:
[yendifplayer type = audio mp3=]
Jul 24, 2013 | Blog
Boy, I sure wanted to buy them ALL!